

Before installing AirCast, make sure your Raspberry Pi is properly set up. Follow these guides to prepare your device:

Your Raspberry Pi should now be running Raspberry Pi OS and be accessible via SSH. These steps are essential for a successful AirCast installation. If you encounter any issues during setup, review these guides before proceeding.

Quick Installation

For a faster installation, use our one-line command that handles the entire setup process automatically:

curl -sSL | sudo bash


This script automates the GPG key, repository, package installation, and DNS configuration steps. You will still need to complete the authentication step after installation.

Manual Installation

Connect to Your Raspberry Pi

Before installing AirCast, establish an SSH connection to your Raspberry Pi. By default, Raspberry Pi OS uses "pi" as the username and "raspberrypi.local" as the hostname. If you've changed these during setup or are using a different network configuration, adjust the command accordingly.

ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

Alternative connection methods:

  • Using IP address: ssh pi@192.168.1.x
  • Using custom hostname: ssh pi@your-hostname.local
SSH terminal showing login to Raspberry Pi

Having trouble connecting? Check our detailed

SSH Access Guide

Enable and connect to your Raspberry Pi via SSH

Add GPG Key

First, we'll add AirCast's GPG key to ensure package authenticity. This key is used to verify that the packages you download are genuine and haven't been tampered with.

curl -s | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/aircast.gpg
Add GPG Example

Add Repository

Next, we'll add the AirCast repository to your system's package sources. This tells your package manager where to find the AirCast software packages. The repository is hosted on AWS S3 for reliable access and distribution.

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/aircast.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aircast-agent.list

Install and Configure AirCast Agent

In this section, we'll walk through installing and configuring the AirCast agent on your Raspberry Pi. The process includes installing the software, authenticating your device, and setting up automatic startup.

1. Installation

First, update your package list to ensure you have access to the latest versions:

sudo apt-get update

Then install the AirCast agent:

sudo apt-get install -y aircast-agent
Installing AirCast Agent via terminal

2. Authentication

Start the authentication process by running:

sudo aircast-agent signin

You'll see a verification URL in your terminal that looks like this:

Complete sign-in by visiting:

Copy this URL and open it in your web browser to continue setup.

Device Registration

After opening the URL, you'll be guided through the device registration process:

Initial AirCast sign-in verification page
Name Your Device

Give your device a meaningful name that helps you identify it. This name will appear in your AirCast dashboard and streaming options.

Device naming screen in AirCast setup
Complete Setup

Once named, you'll see the final setup instructions.

Setup completion screen
Verify Connection

Return to your AirCast dashboard. You should see your device listed as "Online" and ready to use.

AirCast dashboard showing connected device

3. Additional Configuration

To ensure reliable DNS resolution when only a modem is connected, configure your DNS settings:

echo -e "[global-dns-domain-*]\nservers=" | sudo tee /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/dns.conf


If you encounter any issues:

  • Ensure your Raspberry Pi has a stable internet connection
  • Check service status using: sudo systemctl status aircast-agent
  • Verify the agent is running with correct permissions
  • Check system logs: sudo journalctl -u aircast-agent -f